CV Skinlabs Recommendations

Toxic Medications Cause Skin Problems During Illnesses-Help Us Provide Relief

+ Pamela Friedman

Why, you might ask, is CV Skinlabs trying hard to meet the goal of $65K by May 8th, 2013, to get our products into hospitals and cancer centers around the nation?

(Go now to our crowdfunding page to contribute and get rewards-we have only 5 days left! No contribution is too small and we thank you for becoming part of this very important mission.)

Because typically people who are going through cancer or are in the hospital have unique skin conditions that require extra TLC. In fact, according to the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD), cancer fighters and survivors “may experience a host of skin, hair, or nail problems as a direct result of their therapy that may require additional treatment….”

Mario E. Lacouture, MD, associate member of the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York, said at the 69th annual meeting of the AAD, “Prior to cancer treatment, most patients are not warned about the dermatologic side effects that can occur from these potent therapies. In a sense, the skin becomes an innocent bystander to cancer, with far-reaching psychosocial, physical, and financial implications for patients.”

Skin Problems Ranked as Most Troublesome by Cancer Patients

You may be surprised to learn that according to Lacouture, in a recent survey of 350 cancer survivors, in which patients were asked to rate their most bothersome side effects from cancer treatments, skin irritation and dry skin were the two most troublesome effects reported-more than other side effects like insomnia, nausea, vomiting, and hair loss.

These side effects are not only inconvenient, but painful, embarrassing, and so uncomfortable that medical treatments sometimes have to be delayed because of them.

“It’s important to minimize these symptoms,” Dr. Lacouture said, “as patients who already may not feel good from radiation have added discomfort from this painful skin rash. The financial cost for the patient…is not insignificant when you take into account the cost for medications, supplies, and office visits. However, when left untreated, these skin rashes can significantly compromise a patient’s quality of life and, in severe cases, interrupt vital cancer therapy.”

Fragile Skin Requires Careful Care

Those who suffer from skin conditions caused by illnesses, eczema, dermatitis, and other problems have skin that is red, inflamed, itching, painful, and sometimes weeping, bleeding, peeling, and cracking. As I learned when my father had a painful rash from chemotherapy, you absolutely cannot put standard over-the-counter or department store products on skin like that. The outer barrier has been compromised, which means that any harsh, irritating, or even slightly bothersome ingredients are going to cause more problems than they’re going to solve.

“People in health care settings are particularly susceptible to health complications when skin integrity is compromised,” states Rainbow Rehabilitation Centers. “The body is already stressed and busy healing…leaving the skin more vulnerable to infection.”

That one word-vulnerable-sums up challenged and fragile skin. It’s vulnerable to everything around it, including germs, UV rays, drying air, etc. More than ever, this skin needs tender care with nourishing, soothing, and safe ingredients.

How to Care for Damaged Skin

If you or someone you love is struggling with a difficult skin condition, go now to our crowdfunding page and become a part of our Safe Skin Care Revolution!

Second, try these tips for careful care of fragile skin:

  • No harsh chemicals-do not use any skin care products that have fragrances, sulfates, parabens, ureas, or any of my other ingredients to avoid
  • Use only natural and organic products-CV Skinlabs products are completely safe and effective for those with fragile, damaged skin
  • Keep it clean-wash with a gentle cleanser, but be careful not to use anything that will strip the natural oils
  • Moisturize-damaged skin loses hydration easily, so moisturize with natural ingredients like sunflower seed oil, triglycerides, and jojoba oil; our Calming Moisture works great on sensitive skin
  • Calm-fragile skin is most always inflamed, so you need to use ingredients like chamomile, cucumber, water lily, and aloe vera to soothe and cut back on inflammation; our Rescue + Relief Spray is perfect for calming inflamed, reddened skin
  • Soothe and repair-compromised skin needs extra moisture and soothing nutrients to be able to regain its strength; our Restorative Skin Balm helps fragile skin fight back
  • Protect-fragile skin needs extra protection from germs, sun exposure, and dryness; apply moisture more often, and use sunscreen always

Help us to help those with painful, inflamed skin conditions to feel better. Contribute today at our crowdfunding page-deadline is May 8, 2013!


“Skin conditions could hinder treatment in cancer patients, negatively impact quality of life,” AAD, November 4, 2011,

“Skin and Wound Care,” Rainbow Rehabilitation Centers,

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