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Setting the Standard for Safe Self-Care.

A blog for skin health, wellness, beauty and inspiration

Category Archives: "‘THINK’ Yourself Well"

'THINK' Yourself Well + Skin, Lip and Body Care

How Glimmers of Joy Can Transform Your Skin

Ever notice how glimmers of joy seem to light up your face? It’s not just in your imagination. There’s scientific research behind how happiness can enhance your complexion. In this post, we explore how pursuing glimmers of joy throughout your day might make you look and feel more beautiful. What Are Glimmers? According to the […]

'THINK' Yourself Well + Skin, Lip and Body Care

What Is Psychodermatology and How Can It Help Your Skin?

Have you heard of psychodermatology? It’s a branch of medicine that addresses those skin conditions that have a psychiatric element to them. In this post, we help you understand this fairly new area of skin care research and treatment. You may be dealing with a skin condition right now that could benefit from treatment in […]

Reduce Stress During the Holidays
'THINK' Yourself Well

How A Daily Gratitude Practice Can Reduce Stress During the Holidays

How do you reduce stress over the holidays? There are a lot of options, but here’s one you may not have thought of: start a daily gratitude practice. Many Americans Want to Reduce Stress During the Holidays Several surveys show how much stress Americans suffer over the holiday season. A 2021 poll conducted by Morning […]

Attract positive energy and good luck
'THINK' Yourself Well + Skin, Lip and Body Care

Boost Skin Health When You Attract Positive Energy and Good Luck!

How do you attract positive energy and good luck? You may think it’s impossible. After all, when something lucky happens to you, it probably seems pretty “out of the blue,” and like you did nothing to cause it. But scientists have been exploring this idea of luck for a while, and they’ve found that lucky […]

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