Category Archives: "Caregiving"
Safe Skin Care Revolution Tour-Stop #2: St. Francis Hospital in Hartford, CT
I’m telling you, this tour just keeps getting better and better! As many of you know, about five months ago we ran a fund-raising campaign with Indiegogo. We raised over $15,000, which we’re now using in our outreach efforts to visit cancer centers around the country. At each stop, we’re introducing the products to consumers […]
Safe Skin Care Revolution Tour-Stop #1: Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Side effects from cancer treatments can be extremely difficult to deal with. Aside from the expected hair loss and thinning eyelashes, patients can suffer from hand and foot syndrome, redness and burns, rashes, and embarrassing dryness and flaking. Cancer centers recommend products, but many of them are full of petroleum-based ingredients, carcinogens, hormone disruptors and […]
10 Tips for Caregivers: Avoid Burnout and Stay on Top of Things Without Losing Your Mind!
When I was going through cancer, I was so busy coping with what was happening to me that I had little time to consider what the rest of my family was going through.
"Nowhere Hair" Helps Moms and Kids Talk About Cancer
If you’re dealing with cancer and hair loss and have children, you owe it to yourself to check out Sue Glader’s new book, Nowhere Hair.