Holistic Wellness
Skin, Lip and Body Care

How Holistic Wellness Can Help Boost Skin Health

+ Pamela Friedman

Have you ever considered that holistic wellness may be good for your skin?

Usually, we’re focused on erasing fine lines and wrinkles, plumping up volume, and fading hyperpigmentation.

But what you’re missing from your skincare routine could have more to do with your overall health than you thought.

What is Holistic Wellness?

Holistic wellness is the practice of maintaining health in a holistic way, by taking into consideration not just the condition of the body, but the mind and spirit as well.

Whereas Western medicine has focused mostly on physical symptoms and diseases for decades, other forms of medicine have commonly looked at the whole person instead. They understand that mental and emotional health can have a big impact on physical health, and vice-versa.

Holistic wellness has become more popular in the west lately as we come to see health in a broader sense. We now know that all the dimensions of a person are inextricably connected. Stress, for instance, can exacerbate health issues and even cause skin reactions. Diet can affect your emotions, and gut health can determine how well your immune system works.

So when we’re talking about holistic wellness, we’re talking about taking everything into consideration when trying to be the best versions of ourselves we can be.

What Does Holistic Wellness Have to Do With Skin Health?

The skin is the largest organ we have. It is highly affected by everything else in our lives, including our diet, exercise, environment, mental health, and emotional health.

We’ve presented several examples of this on this blog:

We’ve shown you how emotions can affect the condition of your skin, and how gratitude can improve overall skin wellness.

As you can see, we’re big believers in holistic wellness and how it affects the skin! In fact, though we sell skincare products, holistic wellness is at the cornerstone of our mission here at CV Skinlabs.

7 Holistic Wellness Practices That Can Improve Your Skin

Holistic wellness is a lifestyle approach to health and balance. Practicing it is likely to help improve the condition of your skin in a natural way.

1. Eat Your Skin Beautiful

A nutritious diet is the cornerstone of holistic wellness. What you feed your body affects everything—your physical being, emotions, mental functioning, and your skin.

For your overall health and your skin health, follow these general good-eating tips:

  • Limit foods that spike blood sugar levels, including sweets, white bread and pasta, processed foods, soda, and high-sugar items.
  • Get enough fiber. Most Americans don’t, and it’s critical for good digestion, heart health, and balancing blood sugar levels—which helps the skin.
  • Eat a lot of fruits and vegetables—they contain all the nutrients we need to avoid disease and stay healthy. They also help the skin fight off environmental assaults.
  • Choose healthy fats—they help plump up the skin from the inside out while promoting soft, smooth skin and preventing dryness. Look for nuts and seeds, avocados, olive oil, and fatty fish.
  • Avoid very salty foods—they aren’t good for your cardiovascular system and they can make you look puffy.
  • Limit alcohol—it’s drying for your body and your skin.

2. Drink Your Skin Hydrated

Many people don’t drink enough water these days, particularly during the cold winter months, when our sense of thirst isn’t as accurate.

Water hydrates your body and keeps your cells operating optimally, but it also hydrates your skin from the inside out. Water also maintains energy and prevents headaches.

Wellness Stress Relief3. Reduce Stress for Smooth Skin

Chronic, ongoing stress quickly translates into dry, reactive skin. It’s also horrible for your heart, gut, and mental health.

Yet it’s unrealistic to think that you can live without stress. The solution is to practice a stress-relieving activity every day, without fail. Some good options include:

  • Daily exercise. Take a walk!
  • Meditation
  • Journaling
  • Art therapy
  • Listening to calming music
  • Crafting
  • Spending time with people you care about
  • Deep breathing
  • At-home spa with a skin mask and a candle

4. Sleep Your Skin Strong

Good quality rest is key to good health and young-looking skin. Even one night of sleep deprivation can make your fine lines and wrinkles look more noticeable, say nothing of undereye puffiness. Getting enough sleep, on the other hand, allows your skin the time it needs to repair itself, keeping the outer barrier strong and resilient.

A chronic lack of sleep has also been linked to other problems, including weight gain, cardiovascular disease, and even early death.

Practice a relaxing nighttime routine that helps your body and slow down and get ready to sleep.

  • Keep all technology out of the bedroom. Stop using your cell phone, computer, and television at least an hour before bed.
  • Read, take a warm bath, listen to soothing music, or do something equally relaxing before bed.
  • Keep your bedroom cool, dark, and quiet.
  • Make sure your mattress is supportive. Realize that most wear out after 5-8 years.

5. Spruce Up Your Environment

Think about where you spend most of your time. Are your spaces nourishing and comforting, or do they add to your stress and anxiety?

Your home, especially, should be somewhere you can go to relax and feel completely yourself. The more your environment supports who you are and where you want to go in life, the healthier you will be overall.

This isn’t about spending lots of money to makeover your kitchen or put in new carpet (though if you need to do that, feel free). It’s more about making sure your space feels right to you.

Maybe you need to add some soothing colors to your living room or drop in a splash of yellow to liven it up. Maybe some new artwork on the walls, a few meaningful knick-knacks, or a new easy chair would make it feel more like the retreat you need.

Some houseplants could help clear the air, or an air purifier might battle indoor air pollution. Or maybe your skincare cabinet could use an update, as you ditch those products filled with harsh chemicals and choose more natural wholesome products.

Use your imagination to find ways to make your everyday environments more supportive of your overall wellness.

CV Skinlabs Wellness6. Move More for Radiant Skin

If you want one fountain of youth, it’s exercise.

Research shows over and over again that exercise is one of the best things we can do for our overall health—and our skin health. It:

  • boosts feel-good endorphins so that we feel happier,
  • improves circulation to get the nutrients our cells need into the skin and the rest of the body,
  • and it helps us maintain a healthy weight.

Exercise helps depressed people feel less depressed. It dissipates stress. It strengthens the immune system. Really, it’s hard to find an end to its benefits.

It doesn’t have to be complicated. Take a daily walk or bike ride. Dance to an online video. Head out to a spin class. Do what makes you happy, but stay active.

7. Incorporate Mindfulness Into Your Day for Spiritual Wellness

Whatever your personal beliefs may be, having a regular spiritual practice can benefit your overall health and wellness. Researchers report that people who are more religious or spiritual have better mental health, adapt more quickly to health problems, experience more positive emotions, and are more likely to report positive relationships and overall happiness.

And we all know that happiness looks radiant on the skin!

If you don’t have any daily spiritual practices and would like to create some of your own, here are some ideas:

  • Practice mindful skincare—instead of rushing through your skincare routine, take your time and see it as a practice in self-care.
  • Start the day with a short meditation or prayer.
  • Count your blessings each night. Write at least three down in a journal before bed.
  • Read books about spirituality that appeal to you.
  • Incorporate mindfulness into everything you do throughout the day—take your time and be aware of the sensations you’re feeling.
  • Find some way to commune with nature every day. Maybe you can take a walk in the park, or simply water and feed your favorite houseplant.

How do you practice holistic wellness?

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