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Category Archives: "Toxic Talk and Labels"

Toxic Talk and Labels

Think Twice Before Eating ADA-Laden Breads and Pastries

In January 2014, Vani Hari, creator of, petitioned Subway to stop using “azodicarbonamide” (ADA) in their breads. Long considered to be the “healthy” alternative to fast food, Subway has enjoyed a long stint as the chain with the healthy image. Even First Lady Michelle Obama has endorsed Subway for their “fresh” and “nutritious” meals. […]

Nutrition + Toxic Talk and Labels

Did You Know Processed Foods Are As Addictive as Drugs?

Those of you who have participated in my Detox Your Life 30-Day Program know what I think of processed food. In the program, I spend quite a bit of time talking about how bad they are for you, and how the chemicals inside them can damage your health. But processed foods aren’t easy to shake, […]

Toxic Talk and Labels

Feeling “Off?” 7 Signs It Could be the Toxins In Your Life

You think you’re healthy, but you don’t feel vibrant. You struggle to find the energy to get through the day. You’re irritable. Your stomach isn’t acting right. And all those headaches! These types of ailments affect many of us in our daily lives. They’re not serious enough to warrant a trip to the doctor-or maybe […]

Toxic Talk and Labels

Why You NEED to Care About Endocrine Disruptors

Endocrine disruptors. Hormone disruptors. Why should you care? What is the Endocrine System? Inside your body, you have a system that controls your growth and development, moods, metabolism, sexual function, sleep, immune function, and more. Called the “endocrine system,” it’s made of up glands that secrete chemicals called “hormones” into the bloodstream and surrounding tissues. […]

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