CV SKinlabs Blog

Setting the Standard for Safe Self-Care.

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Tag Archives: "skin cancer"

Skin, Lip and Body Care

Why You Can’t Rely on Sunscreen Alone to Protect You from Skin Cancer

Most everybody wears sunscreen now, right? So why is skin cancer on the rise? According to the Skin Cancer Foundation, the diagnosis and treatment of nonmelanoma skin cancers in the U.S. increased by 77 percent between 1994 and 2014. Meanwhile, the rates of melanoma—the most serious type of skin cancer—are also increasing. The Centers for […]

Skin, Lip and Body Care

3 Unusual Ways to Prevent Skin Cancer

Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer—by far—in the United States. Estimates are that about 3.3 million Americans are affected by skin cancer each year, and the numbers are increasing. Though most of these cancers are curable, it’s still not a disease you want to develop. Treatments can be unpleasant or even painful, […]

Skin, Lip and Body Care

Why It’s Important to be Nice to the Microbes on Your Skin

The word “bacteria” doesn’t normally bring up sunny thoughts of spring and puppies. We associate the word with disease and infections, and it’s true that bacteria can cause these unpleasant things. But over the past few decades, we’ve also learned that there are a lot of good bacteria that actually help us live healthier lives. […]

Skin, Lip and Body Care

Is Your Computer Aging Your Skin?

It’s Cyber Monday. Are you online shopping? If you’re like about 81 million other shoppers, you are. We all spent $3.36 billion on Cyber Monday last year, according to stats from ComScore. The deals can be rewarding, but what about all the time spent in front of your computer, tablet, and phone screens? There’s been […]

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