CV SKinlabs Blog

Setting the Standard for Safe Self-Care.

A blog for skin health, wellness, beauty and inspiration

Category Archives: "Side Effects"

Hair Care + Side Effects

New Scalp-Cooling Devices May Help Patients Keep Their Hair During Chemotherapy

I’ve posted before about how keeping your hands and nails very cool while getting a chemotherapy transfusion may help to reduce skin and nail damage.

Make-up + Rosacea and Flushing

Corrective Makeup Tips: How to Conceal Rashes and Redness

Rashes and other skin conditions can be devastating to your confidence.

Hands and Feet + Side Effects

Protect Your Skin and Nails During Chemotherapy: "Frozen Glove" Proves Effective

Darkened, fragile nails that can break and sometimes tear and fall off are often an embarrassing and difficult side effect of chemotherapy, say nothing of the dry skin, redness, and sores that can develop on your hands.

Side Effects

Chemotherapy Side Effect: Fluid Retention & Swelling-How to Cope

When I was going through chemotherapy, I experienced a difficult side effect that I never expected-fluid retention.

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