CV SKinlabs Blog

Setting the Standard for Safe Self-Care.

A blog for skin health, wellness, beauty and inspiration

Category Archives: "Rosacea and Flushing"

Heat Rash
Psoriasis + Rosacea and Flushing

How to Cool and Treat a Heat Rash Fast

If you’ve ever suffered from a heat rash, you know how it feels. Hot. Stingy. Prickly. Also called “prickly heat,” it’s something you want to get rid of fast. We have some tips on how to do that. What Is a Heat Rash? Heat rashes happen most often in hot, humid weather. They develop on […]

Rosacea or Acne
Rosacea and Flushing + Skin, Lip and Body Care

How to Tell the Difference Between Rosacea and Acne

How to tell the difference between rosacea and acne? It can be difficult, because the two skin conditions share many symptoms. Knowing which you have, however, can help you choose the best treatment. How to Tell the Difference Between Rosacea and Acne: Shared Symptoms Acne and rosacea share similar symptoms. That’s why it can be […]

Dry and Sensitive Skin
Eczema and Dermatitis + Psoriasis

Are Dry and Sensitive Skin the Same?

Dry and sensitive skin: are they the same thing, or different? Can you have both? This is a question some of our customers have asked us, so we wanted to answer it here. About Dry and Sensitive Skin Dry skin and sensitive skin are two different things, but it is common for them to occur […]

Skin Redness
Eczema and Dermatitis + Psoriasis

Is Skin Redness a Sign of Sensitive Skin?

If you have skin redness, does that automatically mean that you have sensitive skin? Or is it a different thing? Either way, how can you make it better? We answer all these questions below! What is Skin Redness? Skin redness—sometimes called erythema or flushing—is usually a symptom of some other skin problem. The skin takes […]

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