CV SKinlabs Blog

Setting the Standard for Safe Self-Care.

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Category Archives: "CV Skinlabs Recommendations"

CV Skinlabs Recommendations + Nutrition

Reduce Your Toxic Load Series: How to Detox Your Fridge

As you work to reduce your exposure to dangerous toxins all around you, you may have neglected to think about your refrigerator. Here, two types of toxins may be present-those in your food, and those in your food containers. Let’s look at how you can rid your fridge of both! Potentially Toxic Food Containers Before […]

CV Skinlabs Recommendations + Skin, Lip and Body Care

Which Cosmetic Procedures are Safe, and Which Are Best Avoided?

People always ask me-whether in person, on my blog, on Facebook, or on Twitter-what the safest cosmetic procedures are. Here are my thoughts on some of the most common and popular cosmetic procedures, just in case you were considering any of them! Botox, Liposuction, and Lasers: My Botox Warning According to a recent U.S. review […]

CV Skinlabs Recommendations + Toxic Talk and Labels

Reduce Your Toxic Load Series: Detox Your Bathroom and Bathroom Cabinets

Have you looked in your bathroom cabinets lately? I mean, really looked? Most likely you’ve got toxins in there you haven’t even thought about. We’ve got enough potentially harmful chemicals surrounding us in the everyday world-we don’t need more stewing away in our homes. To clean up your bathroom cabinet, try the following tips. Air […]

CV Skinlabs Recommendations

My Top 10 Safe New Year's Resolutions-What Are Yours?

It’s that time of year again, when many of us commit to improving our lives in some way. Seems a lot of people resolve to lose weight, or exercise more, particularly after indulging a little too much over the holidays! But how about doing something else likely to reduce your risk of disease-like resolving to […]

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