Looking to reduce your chemical exposure in your everyday life, but not sure how to do it? I’ve gathered together some low-cost to no-cost tips below to help you do just that. You don’t have to spend a mint to live a healthier life. In fact, non-toxic is often the cheaper way to go!
Pamper your skin with goodies from your own kitchen. Forget high-cost skin-care products that are full of chemicals anyway. Need extra moisture? Smash up a banana or an avocado, mix it with some yogurt, and wear it as a mask for 10-15 minutes. Find more homemade skin-care wonders.
Make your own non-toxic household cleaners. You’ll be amazed how much money you can save by making your own cleansers, and you’ll save your tender nasal passages and lungs from absorbing all those toxic chemicals typically present in over-the-counter cleansers. All you need is a little baking soda, washing soda, and vinegar. Check out my household cleaning recipes.
Use jars to store food. Get away from dangers BPA plastics and store your food in old spaghetti or salsa glass jars. They work perfectly, save you from having to buy plastic storage containers, and keep your family safe.
Open the windows. Looking to freshen the air? Forget spending money on contaminating air fresheners. Open a window. Even in cooler weather, you can open a window slightly for a few minutes and get the benefit of a fresh breath of air. House plants can also help remove toxins and improve indoor air quality. I’ve got other tips for natural air freshening.
Buy in bulk. Think organic foods are too expensive? Check out your local farmer’s market, or buy in bulk and freeze yourself. Buying organic really can help cut down on your pesticide exposure, and you can find ways to go organic without breaking your budget.
Color your hair less often. Hair dyes, particularly dark ones, can be toxic. Organic options may or may not be safer-the jury is still out-and henna hair coloring, though more natural, is difficult to change if you don’t like the color. (Putting chemical color on top of henna can destroy the hair strand.) Ask your stylist for non-toxic solutions, read my post for more natural options, and cut down on the number of times you color your hair each year. Less exposure means less risk.
Grow your own. There’s nothing more natural than growing your own herbs or vegetables, and it’s the frugal alternative to buying them from the store. Try an herb garden on your windowsill, or a small veggie garden in your back yard.
Do you have other low-cost or no-cost non-toxic living tips? Please share!
Photo courtesy karenwithak via Flickr.com.