
Live Strong and Fight Cancer with These Immune-Boosting Foods

+ Pamela Friedman

Living strong is a common goal among cancer patients. Lance Armstrong’s Foundation is built around the “live strong” motto. Yet the immune system, which is most responsible for keeping us strong, takes a hard hit during cancer treatment. This amazing network of cells that usually wards off millions of germs everyday is suddenly assaulted and weakened. But it’s still the most important system we have to help us fight cancer, recover after treatment, and go on to live healthy lives.

“It is well-known that the immune system can seek out and destroy tumor cells, and even prevent tumor growth,” says researcher Ling Xue, Ph.D.

Fortunately, you can boost your body’s defenses by eating foods that naturally replenish them. “Up to one-third of cancers are thought to be associated with diet,” says author Jeremy Laurance, “and modifying the food we eat is one of the best defenses against it.” The following tasty goodies are at the top of the list for supporting the immune system, so start eating more today!

Broccoli: A study lead by the researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, found a compound in broccoli that has cancer-fighting properties. Animal studies have shown it to actually stop the growth of certain cancer cells. Broccoli is also rich in beta-carotene, fiber, and vitamin C.

Blueberries: You may have heard the big splash these little berries made awhile back. Researchers found them to have the highest antioxidant (free-radical-fighting) activity of the 100 fruits, vegetables and nuts tested. Since then, they’ve been a favorite for fortifying the body’s defenses. Of course, all fruits are packed with nutrients, and most have antioxidants as well, so eat as many as you can.

Garlic: We talked about this one in another post. Check out the benefits!

Mushrooms: The Agaricus Blazei Murrill (ABM) Mushroom from Sao Paulo, Brazil, has a reputation for fighting cancer and other diseases. A study by Dr. Shoji Shibata, a professor at Tokyo University, compared other immune-boosting mushrooms like reishi and shiitake with the ABM variety, and found the ABM to be the most potent. Shiitake and reishi are not to be sneezed at, however. Reishi has been known to increase the production of interleukin 1 and 2, resulting in inhibition of tumor growth, and the shiitakes have beta-glucans, known to boost the immune system and to inhibit growth of tumors.

Dark Green, Leafy Vegetables: You were taught to eat your spinach, weren’t you? Add a few mustard greens, some kale, romain lettuce, collard greens, and Swiss chard to your salad, and you get B vitamins, a wide range of carotenoids (found to help protect against cancer), and cell-protecting flavonoids.

Green Tea: There seems to be no end to the benefits of this one, but first on the list are the powerful antioxidants contained in each cup. It also has that polyphenol you may have heard about that prevented the formation of tumors in animal studies (egallic acid).

Salmon: We could add to this any food containing omega-3 fatty acids-flax seed, walnuts, and herring. The “good fats” in these foods help fight off many diseases.

Grapes and Grape Juice: They contain “resveratrol,” a natural plant chemical known to have potent antioxidant activity and shown in laboratory tests to prevent the kind of damage known to trigger cancer.  Resveratrol has also shown to slow the growth of cancer cells.

Have a favorite immune-boosting recipe? Care to pass it on?

Photo courtesy of pfala, via

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