Alternative Therapies and Lifestyle

Could You Use Some “Faith, Hope, and Healing” During Cancer? Here’s the Book for You

+ Pamela Friedman

“After countless years of helping people participate in the process of healing their lives and curing their bodies when they have been diagnosed with cancer, I can tell you that I have seen the power of faith, hope, and healing, and what they can accomplish.”

Such is the beginning of Dr. Bernie Siegel’s new book, Faith, Hope, and Healing: Inspiring Lessons Learned from People Living with Cancer, a collection of first-person accounts of almost three dozen cancer patients who share their stories. Some talk about when they first heard about their diagnoses; others about near-death experiences, focus on gratitude and mindfulness, and post-surgery triumphs.

“Helpful for anyone living with cancer,” says one Amazon reviewer, “just diagnosed and all family and friends of anyone with the disease. Caring, real and insightful.”

“Bernie Siegel is one of the greatest healers of our time,” says Deepak Chopra, author and spiritual leader. “The stories he shares in Faith, Hope, and Healing demonstrate the healing effect of treating cancer not just with conventional medicine but by changing the way you think about your disease, the way you act toward those who love and care for you, and the way you feel about yourself. The mind is the most powerful tool you have for fighting back.”

“If you or a loved one have to go through major medical care . . . this book can be . . . life-saving and soul-saving,” says Dr. Andrew Weil.

Siegel first wrote about the power of the mind in fighting illness in his first book on the subject, Love, Medicine, and Miracles (published in 1986). In it, he shared stories of seriously ill patients who survived against the odds, and those who seemed to give into their own deaths. A staunch believer in the healing power of the mind, he has his own radio show (“Mind Health Matters”) and originated “Exceptional Cancer Patients,” a specific form of group therapy that uses patients’ drawings, dreams, images and feelings to help them find personal empowerment and healing potential. He also has a plethora of articles on his website, about everything from remarkable recoveries to forgetfulness.

“The reason that medicine has not explored the issue of self-healing and patients who exceed survival expectations is that we either give the treatment the credit or refer to them as miracles or spontaneous remissions,” he writes. “Our bodies love us, but if we do not love them and our lives then our body tries to get us out of here as fast as it can. It’s obvious from many studies and my own patients that a reason for living also relates to the will to live and survival.”

If you’re looking for a little inspiration in your fight against cancer, order this book today!

For a copy of Dr. Siegel’s inspiring book, please see his website or his Amazon page.

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