CV SKinlabs Blog

Setting the Standard for Safe Self-Care.

A blog for skin health, wellness, beauty and inspiration

Category Archives: "Toxic Talk and Labels"

Toxic Talk and Labels

Dry Cleaning-Is Organic Any Less Toxic?

There may be some clothes hanging in your closet that you just can’t throw in the washer.

Toxic Talk and Labels

Hormone Disruptors-Avoid These Products to Stay Safe and Prevent Cancer

As we consider ways to live healthier and reduce our risk of cancer, we need to be aware of chemicals that act as “hormone disruptors.”

Skin, Lip and Body Care + Toxic Talk and Labels

Keep Your Kids Safe from Cancer-Causing Chemicals in Personal-Care Products

In April of this year, we told you about the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics study which revealed that nearly two-thirds of the children’s bath products tested (shampoos, lotions, bath soaps) were contaminated with formaldehyde and 1-4 dioxane, both linked to skin allergies and considered potential carcinogens by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

Skin, Lip and Body Care + Toxic Talk and Labels

Toxin Alert: Triclosan-“Antibacterial” Not as Protective as You Think

Super bugs-those resistant to common antibiotics-have become a serious concern over the last decade.

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