CV SKinlabs Blog

Setting the Standard for Safe Self-Care.

A blog for skin health, wellness, beauty and inspiration

Category Archives: "Side Effects"

Nutrition + Rosacea and Flushing

Yummy Indian Food…Did You Know It Can Reduce Skin Damage from Radiation?

If you’ve been lucky enough to escape stomach upset or loss of appetite from cancer treatments, here’s a good reason to visit your favorite Indian Restaurant, or to make your mom’s curried chicken this weekend.

Hands and Feet + Side Effects

Dealing With Side Effects Like Hand and Foot Syndrome? These Natural Remedies May Help

As if chemotherapy isn’t bad enough, we now have to deal with irritated hands and feet?

Rosacea and Flushing + Side Effects

Oucchhh! Products to Help Cool and Soothe Painful Radiation Burns

You’re so desperate for relief from pain and itching, you may be tempted to apply anything from your bathroom cupboard…but wait! Never use anything on the irritated site without discussing it first with your healthcare provider (whether the product is natural or not). Most doctors suggest skipping all skincare products for at least 4 hours […]

A Cancer Survival Journey + Hair Care

Not My Hair! I Love my Long, Shiny Locks…How do I Care for Them During Treatment?

When I went through chemotherapy at age 16, my doctor assured me my hair was going to fall out.

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