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Category Archives: "Alternative Therapies and Lifestyle"

Alternative Therapies and Lifestyle + Side Effects

Hormone Imbalance? Tips on How to Balance Your Hormones So You Feel Better

Most likely you’ve heard about hormones, those chemicals in our bodies that seem to control so many functions, from appetite to fat storage to stress reactions and more. But when words like “cortisol” and “estrogen” and “leptin” are bantered about, do you find your eyes glazing over? If so, this is the post for you! […]

Alternative Therapies and Lifestyle

Spa Treatments During Cancer? Go to a Certified Oncology Esthetician

Research has shown that massage, facials, reflexology, and other spa treatments can all help reduce stress, nurture the skin, slow the appearance of aging, and even reduce side effects from cancer therapies and medications.

Because so many people are now turning to spa treatments for health reasons, today’s therapists need to know a lot more than just how to make you feel good.

Alternative Therapies and Lifestyle

Massage and Cancer: Lymph Nodes Removed? Beware Increased Risk of Lymphedema

Last month, I attended an extensive training taught by Morag Currin, author of Oncology Esthetics, A Practitioner’s Guide. I wanted to learn more about which spa treatments are safe during cancer treatments, and which may be ill-advised.

Alternative Therapies and Lifestyle

The Big Antioxidant Debate: Should You Take Them Or Not During Cancer Treatments?

I know you’ve heard about them. Antioxidants, in today’s health language, are almost synonymous with “health-promoting.” They’re a primary reason why fruits and vegetables are deemed to be so good for us.

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